1200+ Reasoning Analogy and Similarity Questions (MCQs) With Solutions For All Competitive Exams Part 1

Q.1:- Ice : Coldness :: Earth : ?

  1. Weight
  2. Jungle
  3. Gravitation
  4. Sea

Q.2:- Police : Criminals :: ? : ?

  1. Sister : Female
  2. Teacher : Teach
  3. Doctor : Patient
  4. Law : Lawyer

Q.3:- CEGI : RTVX :: IKMO : ?

  1. JKLNP
  2. LNPR
  3. MNPQ

Q.4:- Horse : Neigh :: Bells : ?

  1. Chime
  2. Rustle
  3. Roar
  4. Bear

Q.5:- Night : Morning ::? : Night

  1. Noon
  2. Forenoon
  3. Afternoon
  4. Evening

Q.6:- India : Tiger :: Nepal : ?

  1. Peacock
  2. Dolpin
  3. Tiger
  4. Cow

Q.7:-  Teacher: Student: Pontiff : ?

  1. Disciple
  2. Follower
  3. Priest
  4. Deity

Q.8:- Donkey : Brays :: Monkey : ?

  1. Trumpets
  2. Bellows
  3. Chatters
  4. Grunts

Q.9:- Wheat : Grain : : ?

  1. Rose : Flower
  2. Boy : Girl
  3. Clock : Clock Hands
  4. Body : Skin

Q.10 :- Wood : Door : : ?

  1. Car : Truck
  2. Table : Window
  3. Clay : Statue
  4. Wood : Plastic

Q.11:- Select the set in which the numbers are related in the same way as are the numbers of the following set.

(16, 36, 64)    ?

  1. (6, 36, 80)
  2. (10,30,58)
  3. (9, 25, 62)
  4. (12, 32, 50)

Q.12:- 21 : 3 : : 574 : ?

  1. 113
  2. 82
  3. 97
  4. 23

Q.13:- MKQO : LNPR : : ? : XVTZ

  1. WYTS
  2. SVWY
  3. VTWY
  4. YSUW


READ ALSO:   1200+ Reasoning Analogy and Similarity Questions (MCQs) With Solutions For All Competitive Exams Part 3

Q.15:- Goal : Football : : Basket : ?

  1. Polo
  2. Cricket
  3. Volleyball
  4. Basketball

Q.16:- Clock : Needle : : ?

  1. Room : House
  2. Book : Pages
  3. Students : School
  4. Car : Automatic

Q.17 :- Where : Place : When

  1. Why
  2. There
  3. Then
  4. Time

Q.18:- ‘Cone’ is related to ‘Ice-cream’ in the same way as ‘Bowl’ is related to —-

  1. Soup
  2. Soap
  3. Sip
  4. Drink

Q.19:- BDAC : FHEC : : NPMO : ?

  1. RQTS
  2. QTRC
  3. TRQS
  4. RTQS

Q.20:- Man is related to

 ‘Mammal’ in the same way as ‘Rat’ is related to —–

  1. Mice
  2. Rodent
  3. Burrow
  4. Reptile